Course curriculum

    1. 🌟 Welcome

    2. 📅 Schedule

    3. 🔗 Zoom Link & Details

    4. 📱 Join Our Global Community

    5. 🎨 Meet your instructor

    6. 🖌️ Tools and Supplies

    7. 🟦 Prepare your squares

    8. ❓ FAQs

    1. How to draw a square? - Video

    2. How to draw a square? - PDF

    3. Download a square template

    1. Your 30P30D Progress Tracker

    1. Here is the link

    2. How it works? 30P30D Global Interactive Map

    1. Pattern 01 - Video Recording

    2. Pattern 01 - Variation 1

    3. Pattern 01 - PDF Edited

    4. Submit your artwork 🥳🪄🎨

    1. Pattern 02 - Video Recording

    2. Pattern 02 - Turning the square into 8-Pointed star

    3. Pattern 02 - PDF

    4. Submit your artwork here 🥳🪄🎨

About this course

  • £59.00
  • 117 lessons
  • 50 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today